Discover the benefits of having a doula by your side throughout your birthing journey.
What is a doula?
A doula is trusted professional who offers care in the form of information, advocacy, and emotional and physical support. There are birth doulas, death doulas, and abortion doulas. Doulas that cover all of life's experiences are called full spectrum doulas. As a doula, Summer is there to make the whole perinatal experience smoother and more positive for everyone involved! Historically birthing people have been supported by other women during labor and birth. (Traditionally doulas have been women, but in contemporary birth work, gender neutral language is encouraged and what's most important is that the birthing person feels comfortable around that doula.) Nowadays more people are giving birth in hospitals rather than at home, and so continuous support during labor has become the exception rather than the norm.
Growing and nurturing a baby is so personal and intimate, and Summer became a doula to be with you every step of the way.
Imagine a supportive guide and a personal coach who helps the expecting mom/parent-to-be and the family feel comfortable, informed, and empowered during the birthing journey into parenthood. Summer is a one stop shop for all your pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum questions and fills in the gaps in our medical system. Where doctors, midwives, and nurses have to see many patients in one day and only spend a few moments with you, Summer gets a 360 view and is there to fully understand your birth wishes and preferences at an intimate level. She will be with you from the moment she is hired to the birth of your baby to after the baby is born. If you choose to give birth at a hospital, birth center, or at home, Summer is there alongside you to help ensure your needs are being met.
During postpartum, Summer is there to lend a hand and ease the transition into parenthood after your baby arrives! She will offer practical help and expert advice during those early days and weeks when everything feels overwhelming. Summer assists with things like feeding, soothing your baby, light household chores, and even self-care for the parents.
Read more from ACOG (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists): I’m an Ob-Gyn. Here’s Why I Had a Doula Help With My Delivery
The Research & Evidence of Having a Birth Doula
In many settings, the hospital and labor ward function according to a risk-oriented, technology-dominated approach to care. Continuous support during labor has clinically meaningful benefits for birthing people and infants and no known harm.
Higher satisfaction - 34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively
Likely to feel less pain - 9% less likely to use pain medication
Shorter labor and 28% less likely to have a cesarean section
More likely to give birth “spontaneously” and 31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor
Find other proven benefits here.